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Talent shortage in IT

Updated: Apr 17, 2022

Brain drain, tensions on the labour market, talent shortages... In recent years, recruitment in the IT sector has become more complex than it used to be and has to deal with more profound issues.

According to an article by Véronique Arène for Le Monde Informatique*, based on a study conducted in 2021 by Michael Page in partnership with ChooseYourBoss: "36% of candidates looking for a job in IT today have no job leads, while 42% say they have one or two. And while 52% of the professionals surveyed imagine a search lasting between 0 and 3 months, the waiting period is now over 4 months in 65% of cases. However, more than 8 out of 10 companies are finding it difficult to recruit IT experts.”

It is therefore in an environment that has become more attractive since the beginning of the health crisis, but which is constantly evolving, that the obsolescence or absence of the required skills clashes with the growth dynamics of companies. However, the cause of the problem is not simply a mismatch between supply and demand. Talent concerns have changed. Remuneration is obviously important, but career development, teleworking, well-being and fulfilment are now central elements in the policy of attracting and retaining employees. Companies must evolve politically and culturally to give themselves the means to match their ambitions.

That is the reason why, aware of these challenges and difficulties, Dig-IT offers its services to seek any type of IT profile anywhere in France and abroad, in order to match your needs with the "talents" on the market.

Why should you choose us? By calling on our services, you will be able to benefit from a panel of knowledge on the current and future needs of IT and a very extensive network built on more than 25 years of experience in the sector (network & telecom, data center, cloud computing, security, devops...). For us, monitoring is central and an integral part of our practices, communication is just as important, which allows us to anticipate, exchange and build relationships in France, in French-speaking countries and recently in the United Arab Emirates ; today's hub of the field.

An applicant lacks a skill and you don't dare to commit yourself?

Don't worry, we can train him/her for you!

Thanks to our "HR & Train" offer, we not only find profiles liable to interest you, but we also propose to train them to complete their skills on the basis of "Reskilling" and "Upskilling" methods and thus achieve the "perfect match".

Using IT training, our core business, for the benefit of Human Resources and the satisfaction of our clients: we know how to do that too!

Our structure, our skills and our support will benefit you both in the management of your time and in the use of relatively expensive means thanks to the attractive offer that we propose outsource your search for talent and join the community of our customers who have already given us their trust: the RHaas (the HR as a Service).

Find our job offers below.

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